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About Kiddom

Kiddom is an education platform that connects curriculum, instruction, and assessment in one place with integrated tools for communication. With Kiddom, schools and districts stay prepared for teaching and learning in any scenario – blended learning, hybrid, or distance learning. For a more flexible, interactive digital curriculum, educators can import their own curriculum and standards into the platform, or hit the ground running with pre-packaged high-quality curriculum by Open Up Resources. With Kiddom, educators can easily adjust scope and sequence to their district's needs, share, and give teachers freedom to contextualize lessons freely for their classrooms' unique needs. Teachers and students never have to leave the platform to record videos and audio, assign, view, complete, or grade lessons, view realtime reports (summative or formative), or communicate in a multitude of ways. And now, with an upgrade to Kiddom Live, teachers can host live sessions for 1:1, student groups, or the entire class. Provide actionable data to every member of your learning community, ensure resources and coaching are delivered at exactly the right time, and empower teachers and learners to unlock their full potential with Kiddom.
Kiddom Software - School/District Wide Dashboard
Kiddom Software - School/District-wide Curriculum Management
Kiddom Software - Digital Assessments
Kiddom Software - Summative Student Progress
Kiddom Software - Curriculum Management Mobile
Kiddom Software - Interactive App
Kiddom Software - School/District Wide Dashboard - thumbnail
Kiddom Software - School/District-wide Curriculum Management - thumbnail
Kiddom Software - Digital Assessments - thumbnail
Kiddom Software - Summative Student Progress - thumbnail
Kiddom Software - Curriculum Management Mobile - thumbnail
Kiddom Software - Interactive App - thumbnail

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Kiddom Reviews

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5 reviews of 128 View all reviews
  • Used Daily for 6-12 months
  • Review Source
Value for Money
Ease of Use
Customer Support

Reviewed on 19/6/2018

Free planner and gradebook that helps me track standards easily

It makes my whole workflow as it should be: in one place. If only it can grade essays! ;) It has made tracking student progress really easy. I can understand how students are doing on individual standards in real time and it has been a good way to go back to student evidence.


I used Google really briefly because I wanted my middle school students to be able to view assignments online, but I didn't like it. I'm loving Kiddom because I can plan directly in the web app, drag the assignment to assign, and share it with students. So much better for my workflow and the design is intuitive.

1. STANDARDS /GRADEBOOK: You can attach and TRACK standards right there in the app: it automatically generates reports, which students can see too. Saves me time generating progress reports.

2. PLANNER: I can plan and assign in one view: plan on the left and then drag it into "Timeline" to assign it.

3. DIFFERENTIATION: I can make a personalized list of assignments for a student; assign them something from the library as an extension or remediation, or flip the classroom by giving them a video as a lesson.

4. COLLABORATION: You can share the assignments with other teachers to keep on the same page and collaborate on modifying some assignments.

Kiddom is really simple and intuitive for students to use on a laptop or app, too. Their support is really responsive and super helpful. I only got started this year, but already looking forward to using it next year, too!


If anything, I would love to have a discussion tool and quiz maker that can put the grade directly into my grade book.

  • Industry: Education Management
  • Company size: 1,001–5,000 Employees
  • Used Daily for 1-5 months
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Value for Money
Ease of Use
Customer Support

Reviewed on 20/11/2020

Elementary ESL use

We're all learning during this school year, so I want to extend some grace and flexibility to the team at Kiddom. However, training to use the software was minimal to nonexistent and the software was not very intuitive. I think Kiddom would benefit from adding educational experts to their team as well as data security experts.


User interface functions on all browsers and all devices. Ability to embed video.


- Unable or very difficult to share activities or units with other teachers in my building
- Creating an activity that asks students to record themselves, they are unable to see/read the prompt as they make the recording because the recording function blocks view of the window.
- Unable to schedule assignments to push out to students on certain days of the week - all assignments can be completed as soon as they are loaded, even if students are not ready for them or have not completed other assignments.
- Unable to copy/paste activities from one curriculum to another
- Unable for students to physically / visually manipulate activities within kiddom (for example, drag and drop features available to students on google slides via google classroom)
- Submitting a photo of work is listed as an "open ended" response and can be problematic for students
- Adding students must be done from student end and cannot be done from teacher end
- All assignments look identical on timeline, no thumbnail options for pre-literate students
- Chat box is very annoying always blocking access to curriculum that I want to add to timeline
- Classroom page is visible on web browser but not on app

  • Industry: Education Management
  • Company size: 51–200 Employees
  • Used Daily for 1-5 months
  • Review Source
Value for Money
Ease of Use
Customer Support

Reviewed on 20/11/2020

From a Biology teacher: good in a pinch but room for improvement

Overall, Kiddom has proved to be a very useful resource during this challenging year. I think there could be a few simple fixes that would make a WORLD of difference for teacher-usefulness.


I think the basic idea of Kiddom is great! It has definitely been useful this year as a relatively simple way to relay lessons and assignments to students. As a type-A personality teacher, the organization of Kiddom is fantastic (classes, units, then lesson plans). That part of Kiddom was obviously well-thought out with teacher-friendliness in mind.


Limitations to certain features frustrate me and cost me precious time. 1st) If I need to edit an assignment I have already assigned to my classes, I have to edit it, then delete it from every individual class (that is especially frustrating), then re-assign it to every individual class. Maybe I have misunderstood how to assign lessons to my kids, but it seems like there should be something more time-effective than editing, deleting, then re-assigning to every individual period. 2nd) There should be a more teacher-friendly way for students to submit assignments. I tried making a submit button for their assignments, but found it to be, again, not a time-effective process so I eventually got frustrated and gave up. My distance learners use Microsoft Teams to turn in my assignments (which is also a lot of clicks but it was more teacher-friendly than Kiddom, so I rolled with it). 3rd) There needs to be a way to assign lessons to every section of my class with only one click. I get frustrated with dragging an assignment over to every single class when the assignment is the same for each class. Microsoft Teams lets you create one assignment then choose which classes you'd like to assign it to. 4th) I would really appreciate being able to share lessons that I've created on Kiddom with the other teachers in my department and them be able to push these lessons directly out to their students (without having to copy/paste my lessons into their curriculum or create questions I made).

  • Industry: Education Management
  • Company size: 11–50 Employees
  • Used Daily for 1+ year
  • Review Source
Value for Money
Ease of Use
Customer Support

Reviewed on 26/11/2020

Great ideas, potential and customer service but has lots of growth left to do

This service has great potential to grow. I like their ideas and goals for standards based tracking and differentiation but the execution often comes with many glitches and overall annoying to use and confusing for students at times. The upside is their incredible customer service.


AMAZING Customer service which makes up for its glitches. I get responses within a couple hours. When my gradebook was glitching out before my report cards were due, Ekta literally worked around the clock to make one for me manually.


- Glitches when posting
- glitched on all my report cards
-inconsistent notifications of messages from students so it is unreliable as a messaging service
- i would like an option for teachers giving feedback on written responses to comment or highlight like it was a Google Doc
- I would like an option to print out student work along with my feedback on the same document for hybrid learners

  • Industry: Education Management
  • Company size: 501–1,000 Employees
  • Used Daily for 1-5 months
  • Review Source
Value for Money
Ease of Use
Customer Support

Reviewed on 30/11/2020

Works well and getting better

It was a bit of a challenge at first. It was a brand new system to our district and a brand new thing for us to use generally. There was a brief amount of training which led to a lot of complaints but that was not the fault of the developers. Overall it's been a good experience once I was able to navigate and get things done with the program. The team at Kiddom has seemed to be very receptive to the users and helping with any issues.


Once you get the hang of navigating and inputting information, use of the program is pretty straightforward. As with anything new there is a bit of a learning curve but nothing insurmountable. Being able to organize classes has been both the biggest obstacle and the most convenient feature...there was no way to do it at first but now it is easily done. There are continuous upgrades happening behind the scenes that make the program more user friendly. There is no problem adding links, videos, or files. Getting notifications about student work are very convenient. Being able to communicate with any of the tech help is great and they are very good about answering questions and addressing concerns.


While there are upgrades happening sometimes they take a little while to reach the users. But it does seem like they are listening to suggestions and possible problems and being proactive about addressing them.

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